Grace Elizabeth Brown was born January 31st, 2005 at 6:57am. They raised her up for me to see and she looked at me with no cries like, "What?, where's the music at?". She's been making me smile and laugh since that moment. She rocks harder than anyone to "her" music, she loves yogurt, always wants "one more show" before bed, loves her hair in pigtails or "like a girl" as she says, walks in my knee boots better than I do, thinks her nanny hung the moon and she should, wipes my tears and comforts me as well as anyone, and shares my lip gloss with me before school in the mornings. I love all these things about this little girl.
Happy Birthday to my little rock and roll princess. I wish for you all the happiness life can offer. I wish for you patience with that hair, devotion to the things you love, love and understanding for your mother and most of all, rock on, little princess :)