I'm a momma, a sister, friend, a daughter, an Auntie KK . . . administrative assistant and a jewelry designer. I am fearfully and wonderfully made and I am so enjoying my walk through life. I love living life.
So i had a great opportunity to show off my Pretty Little Things this past weekend. It was fun. Really fun :) My sweet sis wrote a great blog post with the wonderful pictures she took . . . check it out . . . http://www.pickledblu.blogspot.com/
Auntie Meme came all the way from Atlanta for the show.
The dance girls. These girls have danced together for years.
The 2nd floor of the Princess Theater where she changed three times.
Taking a break at dress rehearsal.
My little dancer. Seems like yesterday she was doing her little ballet routine her first year of dance. Now, in her third year she has 3 different dances and 3 costume changes. Fun times . . . tired mommy. But dang, she was cute. And really good! She's not just my six year old baby girl anymore. She's more like my BFF . . . **tear*.
Family necklace with date of marriage in center. Child's name in center.
Necklace "Love Never Fails" on a black leather cord.
2nd Corinthians 12:9 . . . the verse is stamped on the bottom square. I wear this necklace. The verse is special to me. I like sparrows. That's the only meaning of the bird.
A family necklace with the date of marriage in the center. Last name initial at the top.
A keychain for my Dad for Father's Day.
Keychains for my favorite boat captains.
A family necklace with the date of marriage in the center.
What do I do? Can I make a list? I'm a single mom. I work full-time. But, we always feel like we can do more right? So, after alot of research, I taught myself to make jewelry. Earrings most at first. Some rockin earrings I might add :) Then I stumbled into the world of hand stamped jewelry and my research continued. Soon I was saving up for tools and now I hand stamp jewelry and keychains. Designing and customizing each piece is fun and exciting.
Thanks for looking at Pretty Little Things! I look forward to lots and lots of jewelry making to come! Thanks Kelly's Corner for inviting us to share what we make- now I am going to head over an do some browsing!
If you don't know her . . . here's a quick summary: lipstick, nails, leave my hair down so you can see my curls, pink and red match, two skirts layered are even better, boots with shorts . . . i think i will, give me paper and markers and just. let. me. draw. That's her. My heart. My life.